
02oftheAlwaysOnDisplaysoftwarebringsalittlemorecustomisation,andimprovedbatterylifewithSamsungsayingitnowtakesuplessthan ...,Releasedjustafewdaysago,version1.4.02oftheAlwaysonDisplaybringsanumberofnewcustomizationoptionsthatwerepreviouslyonlyavailableonthe ...,Italsogivesyouanewdigitalclockwhereyoucanaddyourowncustomtextsignatureandyoucanevenchangethecolorandthefontaswell.,AlwaysonDisplayletsy...

Samsung Galaxy S7 gets the Note7's Always On Display upgrade

02 of the Always On Display software brings a little more customisation, and improved battery life with Samsung saying it now takes up less than ...

Samsung brings the Note 7's Always on Display software to the ...

Released just a few days ago, version 1.4.02 of the Always on Display brings a number of new customization options that were previously only available on the ...

New Always on Display features added to Galaxy S7, S7 edge

It also gives you a new digital clock where you can add your own custom text signature and you can even change the color and the font as well.

[Samsung] Always On Display 1.4.02

Always on Display lets you quickly and easily check useful information without turning on your screen. Touch the screen to run.

New AOD update 1.4.02 for S7 S7E

Everything now is like N7 AOD except the AOD notes feature and 3rd party including the stock email app notifications are strangely NOT WORKING!

[Samsung] Always On Display 1.4.02 (arm64-v8a + arm ...

Download [Samsung] Always On Display 1.4.02 APK · App: Always On Display Version: 1.4. · 8.48 MB (8,892,927 bytes) · Min: Android 6.0 (Marshmallow, API 23)

Samsung Ports Galaxy Note 7's Always On Display Features To The ...

Version 1.4.02 of the Always On Display introduces customisation features that were previously exclusive to the Galaxy Note 7.

New AOD update 1.4.02 for S7 S7E | Page 3

I have a question. My always on display dont move on screen. Is it problem? Will be my phone s7e wrong? Thank.

設定: Always On Display (AOD) 是什麼?應如何啟用?

Always On Display(或AOD)可於特定三星智慧型手機上使用。 AOD 可讓使用者自訂顯示資訊,包含時間、日期、電池狀態、通知等等。

S7e AOD 更新囉~

S7e AOD 更新囉~ - 雖然note7以退掉換s7e但還是很希望note7的rom可以下放到s7現在AOD已經更新囉~希望是好的開始~(SAMSUNG 第1頁)